Beliefs, values and standards

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The Self
Part 5 - Beliefs, values and standards

Our own belief, value and standard systems

Working out which beliefs, values and standards you hold dear is another way of discovering what is important to you, and in turn what makes you you.

Charlie is now going to share some of his own values and
beliefs in order to get you thinking about your own.

I believe that…
My mother and father love me
Everyone is entitled to have a voice
Nobody should be without a home
I believe that I am…
A decent enough human being
Not particularly clever
Working class
Doing the best that I can
I believe that I will not…
Take drugs
Steal from anyone
Harm anyone on purpose
Stray from my path
I believe in…
Loyalty and respect
Not much else

My own beliefs

We now invite you to write down some things about your own belief structures.
I believe that…
I believe that I am…
I believe that I will not…
I believe in…
My most recent new belief is…
Beliefs that I used to have but don’t have anymore…
Q: Which of your beliefs started from the influence of someone else: e.g. parents, friends, teachers, etc.
Q: Can you name some things that you are not sure whether or not you believe in?
Q: Can you name some beliefs other people have that you cannot accept or tolerate?

My own values

Below is an incomplete list of values. We invite you to choose 10 values that are the most important to you (either from the list or by adding your own). Once you have done this, see if you can reduce this list down to 5 and then see if you can whittle it down further to just 3 core values.

Abundance. Acceptance. Accessibility. Accomplishment. Accuracy. Achievement. Acknowledgement. Activeness. Adaptability. Adoration. Adroitness. Adventure. Affection. Affluence. Aggressiveness. Agility. Alertness. Altruism. Ambition. Amusement. Anticipation. Appreciation. Approachability. Articulacy. Assertiveness. Assurance. Attentiveness. Attractiveness. Audacity. Availability. Awareness. Awe.
Balance. Beauty. Being the best. Belonging. Benevolence. Bliss. Boldness. Bravery. Brilliance. Buoyancy.
Calmness. Camaraderie. Candour. Capability. Care. Carefulness. Celebrity. Certainty. Challenge. Charity. Charm. Chastity. Cheerfulness. Clarity. Cleanliness. Clear-mindedness. Cleverness. Comfort. Commitment. Compassion. Completion. Composure. Concentration. Confidence. Conformity. Congruency. Connection. Consciousness. Consistency. Contentment. Continuity. Contribution. Control. Conviction. Conviviality. Coolness. Cooperation. Cordiality. Correctness. Courage. Courtesy. Craftiness. Creativity. Credibility. Cunning. Curiosity.
Daring. Decisiveness. Decorum. Deference. Delight. Dependability. Depth. Desire. Determination. Devotion. Devoutness. Dexterity. Dignity. Diligence. Direction. Directness. Discipline. Discovery. Discretion. Diversity. Dominance. Dreaming. Drive. Duty. Dynamism.
Energy. Enjoyment. Entertainment. Enthusiasm. Excellence. Excitement. Exhilaration. Expectancy. Expediency. Experience. Expertise. Exploration. Expressiveness. Extravagance. Extroversion. Exuberance.
Fairness. Faith. Fame. Family. Fascination. Fashion. Fearlessness. Ferocity. Fidelity. Fierceness. Financial independence. Firmness. Fitness. Flexibility. Flow. Fluency. Focus. Fortitude. Frankness. Freedom. Friendliness. Frugality. Fun.
Gallantry. Generosity. Gentility. Giving. Grace. Gratitude. Gregariousness. Growth. Guidance.
Happiness. Harmony. Health. Heart. Helpfulness. Heroism. Holiness. Honesty. Honour. Hopefulness. Hospitality. Humility. Humour. Hygiene.
Imagination. Impact. Impartiality. Independence. Industry. Ingenuity. Inquisitiveness. Insightfulness. Inspiration. Integrity. Intelligence. Intensity. Intimacy. Intrepidness. Introversion. Intuition. Intuitiveness. Inventiveness. Investing.
Joy. Judiciousness. Justice.
Keenness. Kindness. Knowledge.
Leadership. Learning. Liberation. Liberty. Liveliness. Logic. Longevity. Love. Loyalty.
Majesty. Making a difference. Mastery. Maturity. Meekness. Mellowness. Meticulousness. Mindfulness. Modesty. Motivation. Mysteriousness.
Neatness. Nerve.
Obedience. Open-mindedness. Openness. Optimism. Order. Organisation. Originality. Outlandishness. Outrageousness.
Passion. Peace. Perceptiveness. Perfection. Perkiness. Perseverance. Persistence. Persuasiveness. Philanthropy. Piety. Playfulness. Pleasantness. Pleasure. Poise. Polish. Popularity. Potency. Power. Practicality. Pragmatism. Precision. Preparedness. Presence. Privacy. Proactivity. Professionalism. Prosperity. Prudence. Punctuality. Purity.
Realism. Reason. Reasonableness. Recognition. Recreation. Refinement. Reflection. Relaxation. Reliability. Religiousness. Resilience. Resolution. Resolve. Resourcefulness. Respect. Rest. Restraint. Reverence. Richness. Rigour.
Sacredness. Sacrifice. Sagacity. Saintliness. Sanguinity. Satisfaction. Security. Self-control. Selflessness. Self-reliance. Sensitivity. Sensuality. Serenity. Service. Sexuality. Sharing. Shrewdness. Significance. Silence. Silliness. Simplicity. Sincerity. Skilfulness. Solidarity. Solitude. Soundness. Speed. Spirit. Spirituality. Spontaneity. Stability. Stealth. Stillness. Strength. Structure. Success. Support. Supremacy. Surprise. Sympathy. Synergy.
Teamwork. Temperance. Thankfulness. Thoroughness. Thoughtfulness. Thrift. Tidiness. Timeliness. Traditionalism. Tranquillity. Transcendence. Trust. Trustworthiness. Truth.
Understanding. Unflappability. Uniqueness. Unity. Usefulness. Utility.
Valour. Variety. Victory. Vigour. Virtue. Vision. Vitality. Vivacity.
Warmth. Watchfulness. Wealth. Wilfulness. Willingness. Winning. Wisdom. Wittiness. Wonder.

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