Permissions and injunctions

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The Self
Part 10 - Permissions and injunctions

Parents and other adults can have a big impact in the life of your younger self by determining whether or not you can move forward in certain areas (with permissions) or whether you are blocked, hampered or restrained from other areas (injunctions). Below are examples of each:

Do grow upDon’t grow up
Do thinkDon’t think
Do be yourselfDon’t be yourself
Do feelDon’t feel
Do be close (to me)Don’t be close (to me)
Do enjoy lifeDon’t enjoy life
Do belongDon’t belong
Do succeedDon’t succeed
Do be saneDon’t be sane
Do thingsDon’t do anything
Do be wellDon’t be well
Q: Can you come up with your own list that is appropriate to your own experiences of growing up?

Giving yourself permissions

If you didn’t grow up with permission to do certain things, maybe you can start to give yourself the permission and the responsibility to do so, with the use of an SD prescription form.
My SD permission prescription (example)

As a responsible person, I give myself the following permissions:

• To be myself
• To do things without feeling bad or guilty
• To invest time in the things that are important to me
• To look after my own health and wellbeing
• To learn to dance
• To not have to think of myself as stupid or inadequate

Signed by:

My SD permission prescription

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