Habits, routines and rituals (HRR)

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The Self
Part 15 - Habits, routines and rituals (HRR)

“I like my football on a Saturday.
Roast beef on Sundays, all right.”
The Kinks. Lyrics from Autumn Almanac
The definition of a habit is having a settled way of doing something or a regular pattern of behaviour.
Other words around habit include: style, convention, addiction, manner, mode, norm, matter of course, rule, tendency, inclination, proneness, disposition, mannerism, trait.
The definition of routine is about a certain sequence of actions that you regularly follow.
Other words around routine include: procedure, practice, pattern, drill, regime, groove, programme, schedule, plan, formula, method, system, order.
Rituals for individuals can involve repetitive actions that provide the self with structure and order. Rituals are also connected to traditions of communities and societies and can be anything from hand-shaking and bowing to throwing hats in the air upon graduation, celebrating the new year with firework displays, and placing the dead into coffins. Rituals are often aligned to rules and regulations.

Other words around ritual include: formality, custom, tradition, convention.
Some of the habits, routines and rituals we have can be of real benefit to us. At other times they can be problematic.

Too much structure and order can make us feel trapped and merely going through the motions. Not enough structure and we can feel chaotic and out of control.
Sometimes we can get stuck in an endless cycle of HRRs:
"I settled down into a routine of work and sleep."
At other times we can get caught out by not having the cycle:
“I lost my shape and my rhythm. I completely lost my way.”

Questions around habits, routines and rituals

Q: Are you a creature of habit?
Q: Do you have set routines?
Q: How structured a person are you?
Q: How spontaneous are you?
Q: Would you like to be more/less structured?

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