Ingredients that make for good and bad relationships

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Part 6 - Ingredients that make for good and bad relationships

Imagine you have two separate shelves in your kitchen.

One shelf has ingredients that will make for a good relationship, while the other is full of bad stuff for bad relationships.

As yet, none of these vessels have a label or a title to say what they are. Could you put a name to the ingredients that, in your opinion, would make for good and bad relationships? Below are some examples of such labels:

Examples of good relationship ingredients

My labels of good relationship ingredients

Examples of bad relationship ingredients

My labels of bad relationship ingredients
Knowing that none of us is perfect and all of us have room for improvements, it may be useful to think about our own relationships in terms of our strengths and weaknesses.
Q: How would you summarise your relationships to date?
Q: What appealing qualities do you think you bring to a relationship?

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