Matching coping strategies to issues

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Coping Strategies
Part 7 - Matching coping strategies to issues

It’s all very well looking at coping strategies on their own, but it might be more useful to find out exactly what we are trying to cope with...

Do any of these issues apply to you?

AlienationOverwhelmedLack of resilience
Domestic abuseHealthIsolation
DisempowermentToxic relationshipsUnresolved childhood issues
IdentityTraumaLack of self-worth
AbuseAddictionsFamily breakdown
What coping strategy might you be using to deal with your present issues? Could there be an alternative way of coping?
Issue Current coping Alternative coping

Warning signs and triggers

What are the signs that you aren’t coping very well?
What is likely to trigger you having a dip in your wellness?

Below are some suggestions, followed by an opportunity for you to write down your own answers.
Possible warning signs
  • A change in behaviour, routine or habits.
  • A loss of humour, energy, enjoyment, motivation.
  • Increased heart rate. Restlessness. Unease. Tension. Sweating. Nervousness. Disorientation. Avoidance. Distraction. Irritability. Defensiveness. Anger and aggression.
  • A sense of dread, fear, worry.
  • A change in eating/sleeping pattern, hygiene.
  • Criticism of self – and others.
My warning signs What strategy can I use?
Possible triggers
  • Financial worries
  • Bumpin into an ex-partner
  • Drugs/alcohol
  • Grief/anniversary of a loss/death
  • Physical illness
  • Harassment/bullying/victimisation
  • Disempowerment/alienation/oppression
  • Being judged/criticized
  • Family breakdown/arguments
  • Overwhelmed by work/exams
My triggers What strategy can I use?

Too late

If you are overwhelmed by stress, if you are under tremendous amounts of pressure, or if you have become a crazy mule, then it’s likely to be too late to make any rational, sensible and meaningful decision(s). So how about you don’t even try? Instead, how about you:

  • Wait for a moment of calm and clarity
  • Wait until you are out of the hostile environment
  • Plan and prepare for the next wave of stress in advance of it happening again

Planning, preparation and pro-activity

If you know you’re entering into a vortex of stress/distress and you have some time on your side, how about you take steps to plan and prepare for the onset, before you lose the ability to think clearly? Instead of leaving things to chance, or hoping other people will take responsibility for your well-being, perhaps you can take a pen and paper and execute your own plan of action.

A plan of action could be a moment-by-moment approach, or it could be day by day. It could involve finding out who will be around to help you and what times they can commit to, or it could be working out what things you need and when you need them. It may also include finding out if there are any pockets of down-time, or treats, available to you. [See Part 17/18 for more details].

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