Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 1 July

Why bother being creative?
Consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our emotional and psychological life. We also have an unconscious mind and unconscious processes, alongside many other minds and processes, some of which are in conflict with each other.
It would be unrealistic and naïve of us to think that we can get through life simply by answering the questions that we are able to answer, while ignoring the questions that are harder to understand – let alone attempt to answer.
So, in order to become aware of our unconscious life, we will need to dig deep – and that’s where creative and expressive interventions come into play.
Being rational and logical will only get you so far in life. Add imagination and creativity into the mix and you’ll increase your knowledge and understanding of yourself dramatically.
What do you think of this idea? Are there any questions within your life that you have as yet been unable to answer? If there are, you may wish to keep them in mind.