Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 16 April

P.A.C. vs P.A.C.
On March 9th we looked at the idea of splitting ourselves up into three distinct camps: our parent-self (P), our adult-self (A) and our child-self (C). Today we will use the same model to explore how the different parts of us engage with the different parts of other people.
For example, have you ever been made to feel like a child around some people? Whereas, perhaps, with others you can feel quite equal and adult? Have you been in an intimate relationship where you end up playing the role of mother or father to their childish ways? If you can spot what’s happening in a unsatisfactory relationship, you can always step back and stay in the adult role, in the hope that they will then join you there.
Would it be a helpful exercise to go through all of your significant relationships and work out what dynamics are being played out?