Wellness Calendar: Saturday 23 August

What’s your frequency?

A hertz is a measure of sound frequency. As humans we can hear anything within a range of 20 to 20,000 hertz. Here are some examples of different frequencies from low to high:

An organ. Low notes on a piano. Cello. Viola. The spoken word. Flute. High notes on a piano.

Here’s a question for you to consider from the off: do you know which frequencies aid your well-being and which don’t? This may fluctuate, but as a general rule, can you say?

The reason we ask is that if you can find a frequency range that’s to your liking, you may be able to keep it within reach, rather than merely hear it by chance. You may even be able to produce it yourself.

Peter Levine, who gave the world ‘somatic experiencing’ therapy, came up with an easy-to-do healing exercise to help stimulate the vagus nerve, which in turn relaxes the body. He called it the “voo” – as this is the sound you will be invited to emit from your mouth.

1. Inhale a breath.
2. As you release this breath, make the stretched out-sound “voooooooooooooooooooo.”
3. And again. And again for as long as you wish.
4. You may want to vary this sound by adding some texture to the voo. For example, voooooowoooooo, or voooooooowooooooow, vooooooweee and so on and so forth.

If you did this exercise, how did you find it?

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