Wellness Calendar: Monday 31 March

Starting again

“Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.”
Dylan Thomas.

There is one thing we are all capable of doing, no matter how limited our choices may seem: we can always start again.

We can stop being who we once were and start being someone else, someone we want to be. We can always re-invent ourselves. We can always re-frame ourselves. We can move away from the things that cause us distress: whether it be people, places or values and beliefs. We can untangle knots and liberate ourselves. We can overcome fears. We can strive for freedom and self-forgiveness. We can let go. We can end one thing and start another. We can create new memories, new friendships, new foundations. We don’t need to put up with what we’ve got now. We do not need to accept something just because it’s in front of us.

Starting again allows our old personality, with all its wounds and scars, to wither away. And from the ashes comes a new, healthy persona, rising, phoenix-like, towards the sun, full of hope and humanity.

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