Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 1 April

I need a connection
Relationships can be the most amazingly wonderful thing, but they can also be a nightmare – and all things in between.
And while it may be an obvious thing to say, isn’t just about everything we do based around relationships in some way or other – whether it’s with another person, ourselves, an object or a location? Aren’t relationships the source of 99.9% of all our happiness and 99.9% of all our distress?
We cannot be ourselves without other people – others help to define who we are by the very fact that they’re around us. We depend on other people to bring us up when we are small, to keep us safe and provide us with things.
There’s also a wealth of evidence showing the importance of good bonds with our parents/carers at an early age, and how we will struggle to reach out to other people in later life without that foundation.
“I am because you are.”
This quote comes from a South African philosophy called Ubuntu, meaning the universal bond of sharing that connects all of humanity.
How might you describe your connections, your connectivity? Does it come naturally to you or is it something you need to work on?